Our bodies are continuously pulsating with energy, vibrating in the electromagnetic spectrum. The power to raise and shift our energy and emotions lies within us. Our energy, our consciousness—it's what we feel, how we emote and what we radiate into the world. In this article, we'll explore eight ways you can elevate your energy and live life from higher emotional states, more of the time.
As we journey through life, our experiences, perceptions, and stories influence our energy. By tuning into our body, mind, and array of thoughts and emotions, we can become more aware of subtle shifts tied to lighter and heavier energies. We have the power to raise and shift our thoughts and feelings at any moment, transitioning from lower states of heaviness, sadness, and stress to higher states of lightness, happiness, and peace. But how do we do this?
1. Practice Thoughts and Emotions
- Practice positive thoughts that lead to positive emotions, which in turn re-shape your belief systems.
- Cultivate gratitude, affirmations, and mantras over time to shift to more positive thoughts and emotions.
2. Breathwork
- Breathwork facilitates rapid shifts from lower to higher emotional states.
- Combine morning breathwork with journaling to clear your mind and set a positive tone for the day.
3. Hydration
- Proper hydration helps elevate energy levels, mental clarity, and brain function.
- Maintaining sufficient hydration over time can lower prevalence for depression and anxiety.
4. Environment
- Adding plants to your space can reduce physiological and psychological stress and boost productivity.
- Clutter distracts the brain's processing capacity; cleaning up your environment can increase focus.
5. Get Outside in Nature
- Spend time in nature, grounding yourself to the Earth's energy.
- Earthing, or walking barefoot in nature, raises your energy by connecting you with Earth's subtle energies.
6. Baths and Cold Water Immersion
- Baths, especially with added salts, can refresh energy and aid in eliminating toxins from the body.
- Submerging in cold bodies of water (or cold showers) reduces stress levels, improves circulation and boosts immunity.
We can act as our own healers, capable of raising our energy, shifting our emotions, and embodying higher states of awareness. These practices offer a variety of means to enhance your energy and emotions. Experiment with them along with holistic practices like breathwork, meditation, sound baths, or EFT tapping to discover what works best for you and start recognizing the positive shifts in your energy and emotions.

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